The process may take some time to complete. After this action, partitioning of the hard-drive will be initiated. Make a rough estimate and if satisfied with the scheme, hit ‘Partition’. Windows 10/8/7 itself requires at least a 16GB of partition space and to accommodate more applications you will be required to offer additional free space for the new OS.

By default, the software informs you to install the most current drivers for Windows. Hit ‘Continue’ to initiate the setup procedure.

Open ‘Finder’ window, Choose ‘Applications’ > ‘Utilities’ and double-click on ‘Boot Camp Assistant’.Before downloading it, check if any updates for it are available. On your Mac computer, navigate your Safari browser to the Boot Camp Assistant download page and download the application.Install Windows on Mac using Boot Camp Software You will have a dual-boot system with your Mac OS on one partition and Windows on the other.

Well, using Boot Camp Assistant, you will be able to easily install Windows 10 on your Intel-based Mac computer. There are many Mac users who may want to install the Windows operating system on their Mac computers, to get the best of both worlds.